2024 Wildlife Photos of the Day
Below is a selection from those galleries taken in 2024
You don’t see many wild mammals in Papua New Guinea during the day, but a couple of times along the Tari Highway last week, we did come across these. He is a Speckled Dasyure (Neophascogale lorentzii). Nice to see one out and about in his natural environment.
Mt Wilhelm Base Camp. Accomodation and kitchen.
Last image from Mexico. This is a close up of the remarkable Oscellated Turkey from the Yucatan. Feb 2024
Mexico was jumping with wrens and we saw 15 species. This one is called the Boucard’s Wren and is endemic to SW Mexico. Seen around dry farmland near the delightful traditional township of Teotitlan. Feb. 2024.
After Colombia I spent a few days of February in Mexico in the esteemed company of Geoffrey Jones and Tony Palliser. This week I would like to put up a few images to reflect on the visit.
First stop was the resort of San José del Cabo in Baja California where a Spotted Sandpiper was Spotted although not Spotted.
Foxes are not so popular in Australia but this one is the Crab-eating Fox from South America. Not many crabs were around so this fox was coming in for chicken bones at Glamping el Color de Mis Reves, Manizales Colombia back in January.
Everyone likes a nice horse photo and here is another from Argentina back in January, rural Ushuaia with the Tierra del Fuego National Park as a backdrop.
(Plus the last Penguin of the day.)
The pair of King Penguins arrived on Isla Martillo about 6-7 years ago. They have laid an egg each time but had no luck raising a chick. Either the egg was predated by Chilean Skuas or the chick starved to death. Perhaps there is not really any suitable food for a young King Penguin in the Beagle Channel and that’s why they are never usually found there. Let’s hope they have a bit of luck this season.
Rhea pennata pennata (Patagonian subspecies)
But my favourite:
A lucky spotting out near Trelew here in Patagonia yesterday was a Titanosaurus. Weighing in at over 70 tons they are the largest known land animal that ever lived.
Thank you for looking at Dominic Chaplin’s wildlife photos of the day for 2024. If you would like to purchase or use any of these images, please contact us and ask for a quote.